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LTAN has written tens of songs, played a handful of shows and is amazed people keep coming back. As a home grown musician she has nothing but gratitude for her supporters and fans. She never imagined when she picked up the guitar at 14 that anyone other than her cat would want to hear her play.

Growing up in a (suburban New Jersey) musical household, Lisa was exposed to many types of music from an early age: Big band jazz, Bossa Nova, 50/60s pop from her parents to classic rock, heavy metal and 80s hair bands from her brothers. It wasn't until she heard folk singers sing that music became essential to her life. Peter, Paul and Mary, Joni Mitchell, James Taylor, The Indigo Girls, Suzanne Vega and Ani Difranco all unknowingly became her teachers.

When Lisa's not working to live, she's probably watching tv but also occasionally playing and writing new tunes. When she figures out how to add more hours to the day and a faster way to convert her bathroom into a sound proof studio, she will write and record more music to her unfailing angst. She promises.​

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